Quality is a priority in our company. It is proved by CAT re-certification audit and awarding PONAR Wadowice S.A., once more, the platinum certificate issued for the producer and supplier of oil hydraulics.
During the award ceremony, Mr. Sanjv Bassi, a process-control engineer at the Caterpillar Global Purchasing Departmeny said:
As a supplier and part of Team Caterpillar, PONAR Wadowice plays a crucial role in in the realization and achievement of CAT overall corporate objectives. We make every effort to achieve even better cooperation.
Mr. Robert Szczepaniak, Export Department Deputy Director at PONAR Wadowice S.A. comments on this: “It is good to mention that the companies which achieve the highest, platinum certificates within 4-level evaluation SQEP, in each new CAT project win a priority in supplies. Thanks to having the highest available Caterpillar certificate, oil hydraulic elements produced by PONAR end up in factories in England, France, Brazil, Japan or China. At the moment, we are entering into projects with supply of cartridge hydraulics elements for factories in Belgium and USA. Moreover, we participate in price evaluation of some new undertakings.
PONAR Wadowice S.A. - the largest Polish producer of oil hydraulic elements – initiated efforts to obtain the platinum certificates 3 years ago. Last yar the company was awarded the highest available certificate for the first time. This year’s audit by Caterpillar representatives was carried out in Wadowice factory, in the middle of July.
The subject of the audit was to establish the level of process compliance with requirements specified by Caterpillar.