ultra high pressure

PONAR together with GIG for improvement of work safety in the mining industry

In September we have completed the project „Determination of principles of directional hydro-cutting of roof rocks as a method of preventing rock bursts”



PONAR together with GIG for improvement of work safety in the mining industry

Within the scope of the project our company developed a high pressure power pack with a hydraulic drive of maximum power 60kW; the system powered from any mining machine produced water pressure above 400 bar.

The power pack was equipped with a system of valves allowing swift operation of packers system, used for generating controlled cracks in solid rocks, cracks that occurs e.g. in Mining Plants.

The first stage of the project was the production, commissioning and testing of a complete system, which was used in the second stage of underground research at Mining Plants. The first stage tests took place in one of the PONAR Wadowice plants - in Łaziska Górne.

The entire testing process (under load) was monitored with advanced control and measurement systems of the Research and Development Center PONAR Wadowice and the course of the tests was recorded using 4 cameras. The results of the first stage confirmed the assumptions of the project and made it possible to unequivocally state that the UHS (Directional Hydro-Cutting) equipment produced by PONAR Wadowice will allow for the effective and, above all, safe conduct of the underground experiment planned in the second stage.

This is yet another project implemented in cooperation with the Central Mining Institute for the mining sector. We would like to thank our research partners from GIG for the interesting research and development work they have done together, which will contribute to increasing work safety in the mining sector. The implementation of the project has shown that thanks to the experienced team and cooperation with the client, PONAR Wadowice can implement even the most advanced and demanding projects.

Please feel free to contact our Engineers:


tel. +48 32 323 34 58
e-mail: uhp@ponar-wadowice.pl

SALES DEPARTMENT - hydraulic systems

tel. +48 32 323 34 00
e-mail: systemy@ponar-wadowice.pl



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