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PONAR Wadowice at Scientific Conference in Scandinavia

We are pleased to announce that the scientific article "The use of logic valve in construction of hydraulic subplate mounted four-port directional control valves" after obtaining positive review have been qualified to be presented and published in materials of the 14th International Scandinavian Scientific Conference of Fluid Power which is to be held on 20-22 of May 2015 in Tampere (Finland).

PONAR Wadowice at Scientific Conference in Scandinavia

The conference is considered to be one of the three most important meetings of the fluid power and control industry. The subject of the article includes the method of designing of four-way directional control valves with standard subplate ports with using logic valves. The main aim is to develop flow resistance curves for specific flow ways of the designed directional control valve of nominal size NG52 and maximum flow range of 2000 l/min. Tools for calculation flow mechanics (CFD) based on Navier’a-Stokes equation and turbulence model k-ε was used. The article was written by: prof. dr hab. inż.Edward Lisowski of Cracow University of Technology, an institution cooperating with PONAR Wadowice, dr. inż. Janusz Rajda, mgr. inż Elżbiera Rajda of PONAR Wadowice.

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